
Chapter 1: The Beginning

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The increase in the emission of harmful greenhouse gases (GHGs) or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the main reasons for global warming. The use of electric vehicles (EVs) has become increasingly important in the worldwide fight against global warming by reducing carbon emissions from fossil fuel-based automobiles. In addition, the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) has pledged to unconditionally reduce 3.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions from the transport sector in Bangladesh by 2030. In this context, it is necessary to convert at least 30% of the vehicles used in the road transport sector in Bangladesh to the electric motor vehicle category by 2030;

1.2 In view of the above, the ‘Policy on Registration and Movement of Electric Motor Vehicles, 2023’ has been formulated in accordance with Section 124 of the Road Transport Act, 2018.


2.0 The definition  

2.1 “Electric motor vehicle” “means any motor vehicle driven by one or more electric motors, the driving force of which is the electric charge in the motor vehicle or the rechargeable battery attached to the motor vehicle.” Bicycles and rickshaws are included.

It’s not;

2.2 “Authority” means the “Authority” referred to in Section 2 (c) of the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority Act, 2017;

2.3 “Contract Carriage” “means a Contract Carriage as defined in Section 2(8) of the Road Transport Act, 2018;”

2.4 “Route Permit” means the “Route Permit” “as defined in Section 2(28) of the Road Transport Act, 2018;

2.5 “Fitness Certificate” means the “Fitness Certificate” referred to in Section 2 (34) of the Road Transport Act, 2018;

2.6 “Motor Cycle” “means a Motor Cycle as defined in Section 2 (46) of the Road Transport Act, 2018;”

2.7 “Committee on Passenger and Goods Transport” “means the Committee on Passenger and Goods Transport referred to in section 2 (47) of the Road Transport Act, 2018;”

2.8 “Stage Carriage” “means” “Stage Carriage” “as defined in Section 2 (52) of the Road Transport Act, 2018;”

2.9 “economic life” means “economic life” “as defined in section 36 of the Road Transport Act, 2018;”

2.10 ‘Board of Trustees’ means the ‘Board of Trustees’ referred to in section 54 of the Road Transport Act, 2018;

2.11 “Lifetime” means a period of time after which a motor vehicle, or a class of motor vehicles, ceases to be economically and environmentally fit for use in a public place;

2.12 ‘Joint Venture’ means a joint venture of several persons or entities for the performance of a particular task;

2.13 “slow motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle whose speed does not exceed 30 km/h;

2.14 NDC stands for Nationally Determined Contribution.

3.0 Objectives

3.1 Allowing the movement of electric motor vehicles through proper management;

3.2 Determining the registration procedure, fees, economic life, etc. of electric motor vehicles; and

3.3. Reduce environmental pollution, carbon emissions, and fossil fuel dependency.

Chapter 2: Electric Vehicle Management

4.0 Features of the electric motor

4.1 For the identification of electric motor vehicles, the body or frame must have a fixed digit chassis number engraved by the manufacturer in accordance with the International VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) code;

4.2 In order to identify the motor used in an electric motor vehicle, its body must have a precise motor number in the prescribed digit engraved by the manufacturer. The same conditions will apply to multiple motors;

4.3 If the motor of the electric motor vehicle is damaged or useless or becomes unusable, it can be replaced/replaced. In this case, the motor with the same capacity, structure and characteristics must be used according to the Road Transport Rules, 2022;

4.4 The charging system of the electric motor vehicle must be compatible with the characteristics (voltage, frequency, etc.) of the conventional power system in Bangladesh. In this case, the Electric Vehicle Charging Guidelines (Electric Vehicle Charging Guidelines, 2022) of the Department of Electricity must be followed;

4.5 The Road Transport Act, 2018 and the Road Transport Rules, 2022 (except provisions relating to engines) shall apply to the construction, equipment and maintenance of electric motor vehicles;

4.6 The system of braking, steering, lighting, suspension, horn, etc. of an electric motor vehicle shall be equivalent to that of a similar motor vehicle driven by an engine;

4.7 The safety standard of an electric motor vehicle shall be the same as that of a motor vehicle with the same engine;

4.8 In order to avoid electric shock or any other risk/hazard, the battery, electrical and electronic equipment/systems of the electric motor vehicle should be installed/installed in such a way that the safety of the passengers in the weather of Bangladesh is ensured; 

4.9 The electric motor vehicle must be capable of running at the speed prescribed by the government/authority or at the speed specified in the law; and

4.10 The length, width, height, overhang and other dimensions of electric motor vehicles will be applicable as per the Road Transport Act, 2018 and Road Transport Rules, 2022 until the standard rules are formulated.

5.0 Procedure for Registration of Electric Motor Vehicles

5.1 The registration process of electric motor vehicles will be completed according to the conventional registration procedure of engine powered motor vehicles;

5.2 Registration and fitness certificate and tax token, route permit for motor vehicles in the same format as applicable for electric motor vehicles (excluding engine related matters);

5.3 The Authority or the Passenger and Goods Transport Committee shall grant Electric Motor Vehicle (EV) registration as per the prescribed ceiling for the concerned area. In this case, the authority or passenger and goods transport committee will give priority to electric vehicles;

5.4 The local manufacturer/manufacturer/assembler/importer shall obtain ‘Type Approval’ from BRTA in respect of any type of electric motor vehicle based on model Complete Knock Down (CKD) / Completely Built Up (CBU) before marketing or taking registration. Procedures to be followed by the authority in granting type approval;

5.5 Electric three-wheelers and motorcycles shall not be handed over to the purchaser by the dealer/agent/importer/local manufacturer/producer without registration;

5.6 Number of cylinders, Cubic Capacity (CC), Horse Power, Engine Number, Number of Motors in place of Fuel, Motor Power (kW), Battery Capacity (kWh), Motor Number, Electricity Must mention; And

5.7 The concerned Ministries/Departments/Institutions including the National Board of Revenue will announce special incentives for a specific period to popularize electric vehicles.

6.0 Economic Life of Electric Vehicles

6.1 Electric motor vehicle registration shall be provided within the prescribed period as per ‘Economic Life’;

6.2 Lifetime of commercial operation of electric vehicles shall be determined by the Government; And

6.3 Registration of electric motor vehicles shall be canceled and scrapped at the end of the specified economic life.

7.0 Electric Vehicle Fees/Charges

7.1 In case of registration of electric motor vehicles, the registration fee of engine powered motor vehicles will be determined based on the engine capacity (kW). In other cases the registration fee will be determined on the basis of seat/weight;

7.2 The Road Transport and Highways Department in consultation with the Finance Department shall fix/redetermine the fees/charges for electric vehicles following the Rules, 2022; And

7.3 Finance Department/National Board of Revenue will arrange special incentives for manufacturers and importers to convert at least 30% of motor vehicles used in road transport sector in Bangladesh to electric motor category by 2030 AD.

8.0 Route Permit

8.1 The Road Transport Act, 2018 and the prevailing rules relating to route permits shall apply to the issuance of route permits for electric vehicles; And

8.2 In issuing route permit, the charge capacity of the battery of the electric vehicle (maximum mileage per charge), charging infrastructure facilities, etc. shall be considered by the Passenger and Goods Transport Committee/concerned route permit issuing authority.

9.0 Rent

9.1 Government may fix/re-fix the fare of electric motor vehicles used as stage carriage or contract carriage.

10. Legal action

10.1 Motor vehicle regulation and offences, penalties and procedural provisions set out in the Road Transport Act, 2018 shall apply to electric vehicles;

10.2 Registration, Driving License, Route Permit during operation of electric vehicles

(where applicable), fitness certificate, tax token, receipt or certificate of deposit of money deposited in Trustee Board’s financial assistance fund etc. documents to be kept with the motor vehicle; And

10.3 Drivers of electric vehicles must comply with all laws, rules, regulations and policies related to road transport laws.

11.0 Registration number of electric motor vehicles

11.1 In the case of providing registration number of electric motor vehicles, the same registration number as for engine powered motor vehicles will be applicable according to the type of motor vehicle. However, for those motor vehicles whose series is or has been determined on the basis of CC, the CC shall be determined on the basis of kW equivalent;

11.2 Retro-reflective numberplates, RFID tags, Digital Registration Certificates (DRCs), stickers/labels etc. shall be applicable for electric vehicles; And

11.3 In order to identify the electric motor vehicle, the class/body type of the motor vehicle or ‘Electric Vehicle (EV)’ should be inserted in the registration certificate at the appropriate place.

Chapter III: Miscellaneous

12.0 General Instructions

12.1 In respect of electric motor vehicles, income tax shall be applicable at the rate prescribed by the National Board of Revenue;

12.2 Based on the charging needs of electric vehicles, the electricity department will take measures to set up charging stations according to the Electric Vehicle Charging Guideline, 2022;

12.3 Local manufacturers, manufacturers, and assemblers of electric vehicles must obtain registration from Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) concerned authorities;

12.4 According to the Electric Vehicle Charging Guideline (2022) of the Department of Electricity, the electric vehicle battery can be charged at an approved charging station or self-managed or using solar panels or any renewable energy;

12.5 Electric vehicles shall use lead acid/lithium ion or more advanced and environmentally friendly batteries to store primary electrical energy;

12.6 In case of import of electric motor vehicle it must be new. Importing used electric vehicles must have the specified life time of the respective electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer;

12.7 Expired/useless batteries used in electric vehicles should be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner (ensuring safe and environmentally friendly recycling as per recycling guidelines of the Department of Environment);

12.8 The existing unsafe electric vehicles shall be converted by following the safe model by an organization approved by the authority. otherwise cannot move;

12.9 Slow (30 km/h) electric vehicles shall not ply on national and regional highways;

12.10 In the manufacture and conversion of electric vehicles, local companies may set up factories for local production through joint ventures with international companies;

12.11 Bonded wire house facilities may be provided to encourage local production and export of electric vehicles;

12.12 The private sector will be encouraged to set up electric vehicle charging stations;

12.13 The Government shall set up testing and research labs either alone or jointly with the private sector for electric motor vehicle testing of international standards;

12.14 Training of drivers of slow (30 km/hr) electric vehicles will be imparted by appointing district wise outsourcing institutes in consultation with Passenger and Goods Transport Committee; And

12.15 The passenger and goods transport committee of the concerned district shall determine the route of slow moving electric vehicles in consultation with the municipality/city corporation.

13.0 Relating to Amendments/Additions/Changes to the Policy

13.1 The policy shall be effective from the date of issue of notification. The Government may amend/add/change this policy if necessary.